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Client Immersion Event: Hawaii!

June 23, 2022

Welcome to the beginning of me listing upcoming Client Immersion Events by Virtuoso. Yesterday I dropped the notice on a Client Event for the new Explora Journeys by MSC, but didn't have time to give notice on the blog, so those notices only hit my socials yesterday morning and the event was yesterday evening. Don't want to make the same mistake doing these last minute notices again, so I'm making you all aware a Client Event held by the Hawaiian Visitors and Convention Bureau will be held next week, see below for details.

Client Immersion Events are hosted webinars of destinations and vendors that you my client/potential client can take part in, learn about the destination from the host and get some ideas for traveling to that destination. To spark you wanderlust & contact me to go on your incredible vacation!

Date: Tuesday, June 28th - Time 4:00-4:30 PDT

Register: HERE

Feel free to drop my name in the Advisor box, and I'll be notified of your planned attendance. I do not guarantee I will also be in attendance, but if I know a client is planning to attend I make an effort to, and follow up with that client after the event by email.


Derek Schemonitz

EMAIL / WEB / 412-345-7569

Owner, President & CEO of Mr. Travel Agent, LLC