Introducting my VIP Search & Reserve online booking tool & affiliate link.
Ciao everyone, this has been available on my site for a while now, but I never spoke about it nor featured it promptly on my landing page. I do now & so I've decided to discuss with you all what my VIP Search & Reserve feature is and how it works.
First before I dive deeper into it, let me make you all aware I also have a preferred parter hotel program through Avenue Two Travel, and this while similair to VIP S&R, is not the same. My preferred partner hotel program is not bookable directly online, and has to be booked through me directly. I perfer to book hotels that are in my preferred partner program in this manner, as it benefits you the client, as well as us as an agency. How so?
When a hotel manager looks at the check in rooming list daily, guess who goes to the top of that list when it comes to special requests, comp room upgrades, early check in? That's right you do! Clients traveling on perf partner status get first priority by the hotel on all things. This status even comes above hotels own membership programs, Virtuoso status and credit card programs. In addition you the client get VIP'd by hotel mangement and that typically comes with added amenities and perks. A frequent example I use is upgrades.
Let's say I have a client I book through PPP at a luxury hotel. I have another client who booked at the same hotel through Virtuoso (my VIP S&R) for the same dates. The morning of arrival the hotel manager reviews the room listing for that days expected check ins. The hotel manager has one room available for comp upgrade that day, and it gets assigned to? That's right my client who I booked with PPP. Now there are of course hotels in Virtuoso that are not part of my PPP, and vice versa, so this is why it is always best to check directly with me, so I can get you get the best benefits and status. On our end it's about sales volume, a luxury hotel brand such as Mandarian Oriental looks at direct PPP sales volume by us, over sales volume through Virtuoso by us. So please never hesitate to reach out to me before commiting to booking a hotel through my VIP S&R!
Now onward to my VIP S&R!
Because the PPP program is not directly bookable online by you the client, I'm giving you the option to access 24/7/365 booking & pricing via my VIP S&R. Giving you the client the freedom to book online anytime. This option comes from Virtuoso, so all hotels, cruises, and tours offered on Virtuoso can be accessed via the portal for instant booking. Only vendors and suppliers who are part of Virtuoso are bookable by Virtuoso. In addition to hotels, cruises and tours, you will also find the option to filter search through high end luxury lodges, villas, private homes and more in all worldwide destinations.
When you click on my VIP S&R, you will get redirected to my affiliate booking engine on Virtuoso. You'll see my contact details on the bottom of every page through that link, and anything you book on that site I will get credit for the reservation & I will be in control of that reservation on your behalf as your travel advisor. Once you make that reservation you can contact me to discuss it. Just always make sure you see my details, so you can know I'm going to get the reservation notification and control.
I wanted to give my clients this option, just in case your sitting around 11pm at night and see a stunning hotel on the portal and you want to book it right then & there. well now you can do that, and I'll get credit for it! I know some clients who don't think of me when they are booking a domestic getaway or a quick 2-3 night jaunt to another state, they book online or with hotel online directly, and I do not get any credit for that. WHY? Because they could! Well now you can do that through me. Now your friends & family can do that through me, even if they are half way across the world and it's midnight!
Don't get me wrong I really want every single one of you to pick up the phone and call me or email me to discuss travel planning and options, and yes even little short getaways or domestic weekends I would happily discuss and organize it directly with you. I welcome the oppertunity to plan travel for new or repeat clients always, but now if you really want to book online yourself I give you that option to some extent with Virtuoso.
I have split my VIP S&R into three sections, you'll see that on my sidebar menu when selecting the VIP S&R you'll get three options. This is to better direct you to the proper search on Virtuoso for the kind of travel you desire. Though any of these three will direct you to my Virtuoso affiliate portal, just different areas of it. You can easily jump around on the portal to any section or search desired. On my landing page I simply link VIP S&R portal itself to the hotel search feature.
So if your laying in bed one night and decide "hey let's book a quick 2 night getaway to Nemacolin Woodlands for the weekend." But are also saying ehh let's not bother Derek with it, let's just book on the hotels website, it's a short stay, no need to get him involved in something so small. Well Nemacolin is part of Virtuoso (in this example), and you could book that through my VIP S&R, you did not involve me to make the reservation, your confirmed, and I'm getting credit! Not only that, but now you are getting breakfast, a room credit and more and paid nothing more to get those status perks!
Let me tell you all something, when you book with a hotel, cruise, tour directly the only thing you are doing is helping that brand profit even more, because they take what commission they would've paid us and pocket it as even more profit. They don't discount you that commission, and they don't have to pay it to us. The only thing you are doing is hurting your travel advisor making a commission and the travel agency industry in general. Not only that but you are hurting yourself at the same time by not taking advantage of the status programs I offer that cost you nothing more! Now WHY would you throw away free upgrades, breakfast, room credits, amenties and status?
Thank you for your time, attention and reading my blog and I invite you to become a client, if not already! Next time I'll discuss another booking option I have with a awesome vendor I love.
Until then, Ciao Ciao!
Quick Link: VIP Search & Reserve
Quick Link: Preferred Partner Programs

Avenue Two Travel
Luxury Travel Advisor