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Avalon Waterways on the Danube

September 25, 2019


We are back and resting. Despite the pickpockets and low water on the Danube we had a great trip (the water dropped too low for
us to get to Nuremberg and we stopped and Vilshoven for a day and a half). The weather was good, although very hot on the middle days of the trip. Never saw more than a sprinkle of rain.

We had mixed reactions to the group tour leaders - some were hard to understand even with the Whispers. Others were just great - a wealth of knowledge.

We did end up talking with another couple on the next to the last day in Prague - at the Folk Food and Dance event (great evening). This was their third river tour and they had taken one on Viking. They said that Avalon was the best, food and organization - nice affirmation for us to hear.

We are already talking about our next trip.

Thanks for everything,

Don and Lin E.